For the perfectly imperfect.

Wolfie’s Legacy is the charity for disabled dogs. Since 2013 we’ve helped over 500 special friends find their forever homes all across the UK.


“It is hard to put into words the benefits that a Wolfie’s dog brings, but I think they have special souls that bring out the best in everyone that comes into contact with them.”

— Pamela Leadbetter
Retired Solicitor of the Supreme Court


ITV This Morning

Dr Scott talks to Wolfie's Legacy Founder Gill; and meets Wolfie's adopter Pam and her dog Faith


Wolfie’s Stories



Roscoe was found as a puppy in a factory yard in northern Macedonia with a severely damaged leg, he was taken to the vets where they amputated.



She had been hit by a car and lost her front right leg. Having served several tours in Bosnia myself, I understood how hard life was for strays in the country.



He couldn't use his back legs, one was useless, the other wasn't much better but he could lean on it a little bit. He had skinned the top of his feet where he'd been dragging them.



Jumbo our bi-lateral amputee was born in Romania and was a street dog. He was hit by a car and left to drag himself around trying to survive lonely, scared and hungry.



Charlie was a very frightened little boy when he arrived and having never lived in a house before, he preferred to stay in the outbuildings on the farm. He felt safe there.



Magnum had to go to our local vet in February for an X-ray and unbelievably the vet found 3 bullets lodged under his skin from where he had been shot whilst trying to survive in Macedonia.


Want to learn more about how to adopt a Wolfie’s dog?