Magnum’s Story

Issy and Magnum 1.jpg

The Hayes Family (daughter Issy and Magnum), West Sussex

We found out about Wolfie’s after our dog died just after my daughter Issy's 16th birthday and we wanted to find a dog that really needed a home.

Magnum came to us via Wolife's from Macedonia last August. He had been in danger of being killed as a stray who hung around a campsite at Lake Treska waiting for food. An elderly couple would go up to where Magnum slept and take him food.

Gill managed to save Magnum, rehoming him with us and our other rescue dog Buster. Our daughter Issy loves him to pieces, and has just done a mini project in phycology about rescue dogs.

Although quite a giant at about 55kg he is so gentle and loving. He adores people and other dogs so much so that we intend to use him as a therapy pat dog.

Magnum had to go to our local vet in February for an X-ray and unbelievably the vet found three bullets lodged under his skin from where he had been shot whilst trying to survive in Romania. Despite humans inflicting such a despicable act on a defenceless animal Magnum just adores everyone and we adore him, hope to adopt another Wolfie’s dog soon.

Issy is doing A levels at the moment and then plans to study at Loughborough or in USA. She is a member of the British Triathlon SE Academy and has also competed for GB overseas at biathlon.